Sunday, May 27, 2012

Countdown to Prometheus: The Alien Series Introduction

The Alien series, I felt, had played itself out.  You have the original 1979 sci-fi/horror classic, Alien, directed by Ridley Scott.  That was followed in 1986 by the white-knuckle combat thriller, Aliens, directed by James Cameron.  1992 brought David Fincher's bleak (and supposed series ender) Alien 3.  Of course, that was followed by 1997's bizarre Alien: Resurrection by bizarre french director Jean-Pierre Junet.

Apart from the titular xenomorph (the name given the alien creature in the series), the only constant in the series to this point was the character of Ellen Ripley, as played by Sigourney Weaver.  Although other great actors played roles in this series, Weaver is the center of these films far more then even the alien is.  Imbuing her with both strength, and a wonderful humanity, Sigourney Weaver's Ripley is more then just a groundbreaking female character, she is one of cinema's great protagonists.

There were rumblings about a prequel to the original Alien, detailing the alien's creation, with possibilities of Scott or Cameron coming back to the series at some point after Resurrection, but any plans for that were scrapped when 20th Century Fox (apparently not wanting to beat just one franchise into the ground) decided to make Alien vs Predator.  Although technically a prequel, it completely ignores any series continuity.  Directed by the cinematic douchecanoe Paul W.S. Anderson, this 2004 film, along with its 2007 sequel officially destroys any remaining fright in this once horrifying series .  The alien has now been done to death.

So, when word reached me that Fox was now going back to the idea of exploring the creation of the alien, I was rather discouraged that they were going to drag this once great series even further into the mud.

Some time later, Ridley Scott becomes attached to direct this as-of-yet untitled prequel.  This brought me some measure of comfort.  If they have to make this, at least a talent director had his hands on the project.  Maybe SOMETHING could be salvaged from this.

Now things start to get interesting.  I see Ridley Scott state in an inverview that, although it used the story of an Alien prequel as a jumping off point, the film, now titled Prometheus, is NOT a prequel to Alien.  I was now fascinated.

The story became even more interesting when actor Michael Fassbender, a star of Prometheus, stated that it absolutely WAS a prequel to Alien.  This seemed to be confirmed by the trailers as the derelict ship and "space jockey" from Alien definitely seem to appear.

Ridley Scott has stated emphatically that the  xenomorph will not be appearing in Prometheus.  Scott feels (and I sighed a huge sigh of relief when I read this) that there was no mystery left to the alien creature.

My guess is this.  During an original, different story, as an event completely organic to that story (hopefully anyway), we will see the beginning of the xenomorph's DNA.

Whether or not my guess proves right, what is true is that what started off as a probable cash grab, has turned into one of the most intriguing science fiction films in years.  By going in a completely different direction, Scott my have proved there is yet life in the alien world helped create.  I really hope it doesn't suck, not only for its own sake, but to show the world that a prequel can be done right.

Anyway, I figured now would be a good time to reacquaint myself with the original Alien series.  So, before the release of Prometheus, I will be posting reviews of the four films in the series proper.  Absolutely no more about Alien vs Predator will cross my keyboard. 

1 comment:

  1. As you've pointed out, Scott is at the very least a master craftsman. I too had SERIOUS reservations about an Alien prequel, if only because there was a huge dropoff after the second film; his presence assuaged my fears.

    I do find it interesting, however, that he says this is not a prequel... maybe that's just how he views the project, in order to keep it fresh in his mind, because looking at the trailer, it's very obvious what franchise this is a part of. Can't wait to see it.
